Boxer Dog News: Picture of My Boxer Skylar

Boxer Dog News

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Picture of My Boxer Skylar

As the first post to this blog here is a picture of my beautiful Boxer, Skylar.

Boxer Dog

Skylar is a 3-1/4 year old female boxer. I've had her since she was 5 weeks old. She was the runt of the litter and was being so bullied by her 7 brothers and sisters that she was practically starving.

The owner of the litter already had the pups on puppy food when I brought Skylar home. The first night I put some puppy chow mixed with water in the microwave to soften it up. I put the food in a bowl and she ate so heartily that her back feet were off the ground as she stuck her head as far into the bowl as possible.

She hasn't stopped eating yet!



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